Kamis, 31 Mei 2012


Causes of Asthma
What are the causes of asthma?
Almost all people with asthma also have allergies. Although the causes are not completely understood, scientists believe it is due to the interaction of genetic and environmental factors. These factors are:
- Inherited tendency to allergies.
- Presence of asthma in the father or mother.
- Certain respiratory infections during childhood.
- Contact with allergens or viral infections in the first months or years of life when the immune system is still developing.
Control and treatment of asthma
Because asthma has no cure, the treatment goal is primarily to control it. That means preventing chronic and troublesome symptoms such as coughing and difficulty breathing. Also help the smooth functioning of the lungs, so as to maintain normal activity and do not interrupt sleep. Another important thing is to prevent asthma attacks, which may require you to go to an emergency room and even hospitalization. Specialists in the treatment of asthma are lung specialists (pulmonologists) or allergy specialists (allergists).
If you follow the proper medical treatment, including your medications, regular physical checkups and follow exactly the directions of your doctor, and take preventive measures, chances are you have no asthma symptoms, or have very mild and can lead a normal life.

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