Those of you who know me, know that ice cream is
my weakness :) . I can never say no to it. There was a time when I thought I
was a true ice cream addict and this is no joke. I used to dream about it and
crave it every night like any other addict. I used to plan my evening time
around my bowl of ice cream. Cookies and cream was my drug of choice. Nowadays,
I have learned to control those cravings by telling myself…“Everything in
moderation, you must eat everything in moderation”.
When I started thinking about what flavor
of ice cream to make, I kept going back to something with caramel. I thought of
caramelized apples, burnt sugar, butterscotch… I’m not sure why but that was
the flavor I was craving. So I just took my basic vanilla ice cream recipe but
instead of granulated sugar, I decided to use demerara sugar. Demerara sugar is
a large grain, amber-gold natural sugar with some original cane molasses left
in it which makes it a perfect sugar to caramelize. When cooked, it turns into
a rich, dark and potent caramel. Perfect for I wanted. And of course, I needed
to add some salt because what is caramel without salt, right? I started with
half a teaspoon but had to increase it to one and a half.
After I churned the ice cream, I tasted it and
reminded me of something else but I couldn’t figure out what that was. I
thought and thought and realized that this ice cream tastes just like Werther’s
caramels! That was my candy of choice for a few years when I was in college. My
great friend BeƱat and I must have eaten thousands of Werther’s one year… Great
As for the type of ice cream machine one must
use… well, there are different models out there. I own a Krups that works
decently but nowhere near the texture you get with professional ice cream
machines. These home-use machines tend to deliver a grainy, uneven ice cream
but it will do for now. I like the White Mountain ice cream maker the best for
home-use. I used it at a friends house and it made a fairly good batch. But of
course, if you can get your hands on a commercial one, please do so!
300 ml
susu cair full cream
1/2 sdt esens vanili (aku pakai vanila extract)
30 gram coklat bubuk
6 kuning telur
175 gram gula pasir
600 ml krim kental (aku pakai whipped cream cair)
250 gram dark cooking chocolate, cincang kasar
1/2 sdt esens vanili (aku pakai vanila extract)
30 gram coklat bubuk
6 kuning telur
175 gram gula pasir
600 ml krim kental (aku pakai whipped cream cair)
250 gram dark cooking chocolate, cincang kasar
Cara Membuat:
susu cair dan esense vanili dalam panci dengan api kecil. Ambil sekitar 50 ml
susu untuk dicampur dengan coklat bubuk, aduk sampai coklat bubuknya larut,
lalu tuangkan ke dalam panci susu. Masak sambil diaduk hingga mendidi perlahan,
kuning telur bersama gula pasir dengan mikser kecepatan sedang selama 3 menit
(tergantung mikser masing-masing ya) sampai mengental dan berwarna pucat.
larutan susu-coklat ke dalam kocokan kuning telur yang telah mengental, adu
dengan spatula/whisk hingga rata. masukkan kembali campuran ini kedalam panci
bekas merebus susu, jerang di atas api kecil selama 3-4 menit hingga adonan
mengental (jangan sampai mendidih)
krim kental di panci dengan api kecil. Ketika sudah timbul gelembung-gelembung
kecil, masukkan dcc cincang. Angkat pancinya lalu aduk hingga seluruh coklat
meleleh dan adonan terlihat licin.
adonan susu-telur ke dalam adonan krim-coklat, aduk rata. Biarkan hingga
fase ini, aku langsung memasukkan adonan ke ice cream maker dan diaduk-aduk
sampai 1 jam sebelum akhirnya menjadi es krim. Untuk yang belum punya ice cream
maker, maka masukkan adonan dalam freezer kira-kira sampai 3 jam, keluarkan
lalu kocok dengan mixer sampai lembut selama 5 menit. Ulangi proses ini sampai
3-4 kali hingga diperoleh adonan yang lembut.
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